Sanjusangendo (三十三間堂)

Sanjusangendo (三十三間堂) temple is popular for its 1001 statues of the goddess of mercy. The temple hall is made up of wooden structure and is reported 120 meters long. Very impressive sight. In the hall, visitors can worship and make wishes. Within the hall, photography is prohibited, and the staffs are everywhere to check. The photo below is just a glimpse of it.


The temple is not far from Kyoto station, so I decide to walk all the way to Kyoto station. It’s pretty interesting to going around streets. You get to see different people, things people are doing, types of housing, and people cycling everywhere. It’s winter, so it starts to get dark after about 4 pm.


This is the only shot of city lights I manage to get when I reached Kyoto Tower.


Sanjusangendo (三十三間堂)

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